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Sohjoa Baltic shared legislation knowledge at VECS2019 in Sweden

Bellone, Josefson, Hartwig – regulatory aspects of autonomous driving in Baltic Sea Region

Mauro Bellone (Chalmers University of Technology), Ebba Josefson (Front Advokater) and Matthias Hartwig (IKEM) were at Vehicle Electronics and Connected Services 2019 Conference in Sweden, held the legal workshop to present the legal roadmap.

The mentioned roadmap gives an overview of the legal challenges that arise when implementing automated buses as part of public transport.

The audience of VECS2019 was around 60 people of different stakeholders, public administration, regional authorities and industry.

The Sohjoa Baltic European Legal Implementation Roadmap was published on 1st April, 2019. It was prepared by IKEM (Institut für Klimaschutz, Energie und Mobilität) in Berlin, Germany, with the input of project partners from Finland, Estonia, Denmark, Latvia, Poland, Sweden and Norway.

Find the PDF publication from IKEMs webpage, link below: